Thursday, April 23, 2009

@Ashton Kutcher... kill me now

If you haven't already figured it out, I'm not a fan of Twitter. I just don't get it. Yes, it is funny to follow Shaq's rambling, nonsense Twitter, and Lance Armstrong posts cool pictures of cycling on his Twitter, but for the most part, I'm not quite obsessed with Twitter.

But do you know who is? Ashton Kutcher!

That idiot kid from That 70s Show who hasn't been in a decent movie in recent memory, much less any movie. What does this kid do for a living anyway? He must just mooch off Demi Moore.

Ashton has been spending his time trying to become the first Twitter user to amass 1,000,000 followers. No, not @CNN or @NYTimes or @Something worthwhile to society, but Ashton Kutcher. I was starting to warm up to Twitter, but not anymore. No more love for Twitter, now that it's obvious its users are more interested in what Ashton Kutcher had for dinner than the European Summit in Prague.

I was warming up to Twitter because Asher Epstein, the managing director for the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, provided insight to some useful Twitter functions. For example, people in a movie theatre could tweet their location, and say if there are seats left. People in traffic could tweet accident reports (obviously not while driving, since that would just add to the accident toll). Though not being used for this purpose at the moment, Twitter had potential according to Asher Epstein. And I believed Asher Epstein.

This belief is now shattered, since Ashton Kutcher is now the most influential person on Twitter. Excuse me while I lament to future of society.
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1 comment:

  1. agreed. I hate twitter. I think it is just emphasizing the fact that popular culture cares more about Hollywood icons than stuff that actually matters to our lives. Frankly, it's embarassing.
