Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle... no relation

I'll admit, I saw the Susan Boyle video pretty early on. With Facebook, Twitter and away messages, it's easier for those of us of a younger age group to share things and encourage others to take a look.

I knew the Susan Boyle video had gone crazy when my dad sent the family an email with a link to the YouTube video. It didn't take long for the video to get over 7 million hits, which I'm sure will keep growing. Susan Boyle has appeared on Larry King Live, various innocuous morning news programs, and even on E!.

Not only was Susan Boyle famous for her voice, but she gained notoriety for her somewhat frumpy appearance and quirky personality. As Carlos Mencia cynically but somewhat correctly remarked, if Susan Boyle were beautiful, she would have been discovered years ago.

Maybe the rest of the world was a little late in catching on to Susan Boyle, but we did. The ability to share these uplifting moments almost exactly as they happen has made her a superstar. For most of us, YouTube is just a place to watch funny videos to waste time browsing. But for someone like Susan Boyle, YouTube changed her life. This definitely wouldn't have happened 10 or even 5 years ago.
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  1. I still have not watched this video in a boycott of stupid things that become huge because of social networking. But I agree, this would never have happened years ago. Even the people on America's Funniest Home videos or the news were this broadly recognizable.

  2. Susan, I can't understand why you are boycotting. I can't think of anything negative that is coming out of these infamous youtube videos. They are just another form of free entertainment and procrastination.

  3. Its so amazing how information spread when people have found a topc they love. They pulled up several of her old appearances on youtube from years ago.
    Here is one
    there is another of her on a radio station also.
