Thursday, February 26, 2009

I don't understand Twitter

Apparently, as of February 2009, Twitter is the 3rd largest social networking site (after Facebook and MySpace) with around 6 million users. That's great and all, but to be honest, I don't understand Twitter!

A friend of mine recently created a Twitter and sent me a link, and this was my first exposure. I had heard people talking about Twitters, but I never cared enough to go investigate before now. It looks like all you do is write quick posts under 140 characters in length, either from your computer or from your mobile device. I don't understand how this is different from a blog. It just seems like a blog with shorter posts.

Twitters have been used for ongoing commentary-type situations, like during the President's recent State of the Nation. People were writing instant feedback to literally every sentence the President said on their Twitters. I guess that's cool.... I guess.

My friend, however, just uses his Twitter for "witty" observations about every day life, such as "Liberal arts means you have to dissect a grasshopper to be a journalist," or "Whoever decided that Al Gore should get a Nobel Prize before the guy that came up with pizza delivery obviously did not go to college."

It's mind blowing, earth shattering information, is it not. I think he should just get an imaginary friend to tell all these witticisms to, so the rest of the world doesn't have to suffer through them.
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  1. I totally agree. Perhaps I could see the appeal if people I knew actually used it. Unfortunately in my case, my Twitter account is currently only following Barack Obama and Tina Fae because those were the only interesting people I could find. In my case, I'm not really a social networking person, so it doesn't appeal to me much in the first place. You may have seen this already...

  2. I agree, too. I don't understand the hype over Twitter. I suppose that since I'm not into the whole social networking scene, I'm kind of biased. I don't see the need for writing random little tidbits or for commenting on every sentence of a politicians speech. Maybe it's helpful for some people... for me it seems a bit useless.

  3. I like Twitter as a novelty, since like you, not many people I know use it. However, it can be really useful for asking a lot of people something at the same time.

    ex. Carlake is in Oakland...where's a good place to get crepes?
